The annual Extra Curricular Activities Prize Giving Ceremony was successfully held on 24th May (Friday). It was an invaluable opportunity for Josephians to recap their accomplishments throughout the school year. ❤️‍🔥

The ECAPG is renowned for its uniqueness – a ceremony which gives Josephians an opportunity to receive recognition for their work in the ECA field. This year, Josephians also showcased their talents by singing and juggling during the ECAPG. 👏

It has been a rewarding year for all Josephians. Various sports and music teams achieved extraordinary results, and students achieved numerous awards individually. The ECAPG also provided them with a chance to celebrate their growth, their passion, and their commitment.

We hope that our school will continue to nurture more capable students, those who can develop and unleash their potential in many areas. We also hope that academically gifted students will continue to demonstrate their academic rigour through interschool competitions, such as science or maths-related ones.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Student Union (SU) for organising this remarkable event before the exam. We are glad that all Josephians strived for championships and medals this year, and we hope they gained thought-provoking insights and broadened their horizons. 🤝