The Internal Talent Quest 2024 Finals (ITQ) was successfully held on the night of Saturday, 11th May, and we are extremely pleased to announce that this year we had a full house. Firstly, let us express our deepest congratulations to all winners and our heartfelt gratitude to all participants for their tremendous efforts.
The night marked the end of the 2024 Internal Talent Quest. The ITQ year commenced with the heats back in early January. The highlight of the ITQ was probably the Semi-final in late January, which was conducted during the 149th Anniversary Green and White Day. Another high point of the ITQ was surely the ITQ Final night, which was full of exhilaration and amusement.
Meanwhile, we hope contestants enjoyed the night of witnessing their competitors’ astounding performances and gave a big round applause not only to themselves, but to everyone who successfully made it to the ITQ Final for their endeavors in the previous months. We also hope that contestants enjoyed unleashing their full potential on the stage, and treasure the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to perform in the ITQ Final while also expressing their intense competition towards each other.
Moreover, we hope attendees and everyone participating in the ITQ Final have no regrets about attending the event, as famous star performers MC Cheung Tin Fu, Gin Lee and Kiri T were invited to be our guest performers. Ms. Gin Lee was also the judge for the second round of our competition.
Finally, we want to sincerely thank the 149th Students’ Union (SU) and Music Society crew for organizing the event and providing attendees with a remarkable and unforgettable night. We would also like to thank them for their efforts during the few months’ preparation work for the ITQ journey, we truly appreciate it. Once again, thanks to everyone for creating a memorable night and leading this event to success.