Congratulations to Lee Hok Lam from 5F for achieving this Outstanding Student Award! Hok has consistently been a standout student, his tremendous commitment and exemplary performance in our school has proved him to be deserved for this award. We hope Hok can continue to strive for excellence in any time and become an extraordinary leader in future!
繼獲選全港十大傑出學生領袖,李學霖同學再獲得由中西區民政事務處舉辦的中西區傑出青年獎禮計劃冠軍 。恭喜李學霖獲得中西區傑出青年獎勵計劃冠軍的殊榮。該獎項旨在表揚在學術、課外活動和社區服務等方面表現傑出的年輕人,鼓勵他們繼續保持卓越表現。希望李學霖同學的優異表現能夠激勵其他同學見賢思齊,為社區和社會作出更多貢獻。