Christian Union’s Advent Mass and Christmas Party

The Christian Union’s Advent Mass and Christmas Party were held on 21st December, 2017, commencing at 9:15am and finishing at 1:00pm. Besides our Supervisor, Bro. Jeffrey and Principal Ching, Bro. Alphonsus, both Catholic and non-Catholic teachers, executive committee members and helpers, more than 60 S1 students joined the event on a voluntary basis.  In the mass, Rev. Joseph Tan Lei Tao reminded us of the importance of appreciating the birth of Jesus.   In the party, the

S1 participants took part in challenging checkpoint games and mini-games. A lucky draw was conducted with Mr Paul Au, a generous alumnus sponsor of the event, drawing the prize winners. What followed were scrumptious refreshments and distribution of party bags.  The day ended with everyone leaving with joy and peace in their hearts.